Following on from yesterday I thought I’d look out an old favourite of mine in my archive. My records show this was made in 1979, an auspicious year as that is when I tied the knot with Mrs.O and also when I circumnavigated Great Britain on HMCC Searcher. So this image had to be made […]
A grand day out
Last Sunday I popped Mrs O the question of whether she would like to go up to Norwich to see Affinity & Kindred – Richard Denyer’s show at the Cathedral. It turned out that she had already conjured up the same thought so off we trundled with a rear view mirror full of ominous skies […]
Times past
Following on from the news I got the other day, I dug out my old negative archive. I have a new archive, also of negatives and mainly colour, but revisiting 35mm Black & White I have noticed how frugal I was in making images when we were saving for a deposit to buy a house. […]
A trip with the Trip
There are times when I relish using a very simple camera. I am lucky to have two Olympus Trip 35 cameras, one usually loaded with Agfa Vista 200 (£1 per roll) and the other with HP5+. For last week’s jaunt to Northumberland I decided to take the Trip with colour. Years ago these were very […]
Black and White challenge – day 4
I have been entangled in the judiciary system now for nearly two weeks. I am not a willing participant, I am merely doing my duty. I have a background that exposed me to legal process from a very early age yet I am finding it difficult at times to grasp the rationale of the practices […]
Black and White challenge – day 3
This image was made outside a healthcare centre in Ipswich. It is where the healthcare workers go for a breath of fresh air in between dealing with people with all manner of illnesses brought about by genetics or lifestyle or just plain bad luck. Always nice to know the righteous have their vices.
Black and White challenge – day 2
The height of summer in a busy seaside resort.
Black and white challenge – day 1
I wondered how long it would be before this landed in my inbox. Thank you Eddie Osborne.
Graduate gradually slips back into the mainstream
Barely a month has elapsed since we opened in Free Range yet the degree results are out and whether we like them or not, it is all water under the bridge. There is no going back and this weekend signifies a major step into my rehabilitation into mainstream society. Looking back on 2 years 10 […]
Last night I was invited to a Cafe Scientifique presentation at Arlingtons bistro in Ipswich. This building was the original Ipswich Museum and is a fitting venue for these meetings. This time, it was one of my fellow artists Sarah Bale who had invited me. She had collaborated with an Orchid expert Martin Sanford at […]