Sometimes I force myself to look at something other than my ongoing long term projects. I do this to ensure I look at and see other things. It also tests my knowledge and skills using various cameras and processing techniques. Only last night I saw two Short Eared Owls quartering at dusk and that was […]
I like pies and sunsets
Regular readers will know that I like cake and there is nothing better on the earth than Mrs O’s Dundee cake closely followed by her exquisite lemon and black pepper cake. Not in the same sitting I might add. No, that would not work at all. The lemon cake is a Ruby Tandoh recipe. Look […]
More test results
This post is aimed at people interested in the resolving power of a prime lens coupled with a high pixel count sensor. Nikon D810 Nikkor 50mm AFD 1.4 Ipswich Borough Council have recently agreed to buy the Sproughton Sugar Beet site. For years, these silos have been a symbol of agricultural cum manufacturing business particular […]
An antidote to Black Friday
Yesterday I was in London. I had to go to take part in an analytical workshop for user experience of using a website. The outcomes were to create an improved experience with a new site yet to be developed. I wondered about time to grab some pictures but popped the P6000 into my bag. It […]
A ripping yarn
My wife is a yarn addict. I like to tell a yarn and I like cake. My wife’s addiction had discovered a not so often open cake and yarn shop in Otley so when the offer of cake was made this morning I as usual packed a camera. Now, for those of you who know […]
Street art July 2014
In my last blog, I mentioned bumming around Brick Lane waiting for the next cheap train home. I have visited the same sites in and around Brick Lane for several years now as the layers of artwork are constantly changing like the tide. Here are a few from my favourite locations. What I like about […]
Edgelands – Goldfinch
Reading The Unofficial Countryside and Edgelands there was a constant undercurrent of the wildlife observed . Something I did an awful lot of during my pre-degree photography era was wildlife photography. I am no bird watcher or twitcher, I just like to photograph what I see. Last night whilst re-visiting some of my Edgelands sites […]
Edgelands – cone
And here is another comparison. I am fascinated by the differences but I still prefer the look and feel of the original 6×6 format on Kodak Portra 400. The majority of my Landscape type images are made during the Winter months. Subtleties such as camera height also play a part. The original was shot with […]
Edgelands revisited – July 2014
I stopped shooting my project at the end of March. In the intervening months I have been preoccupied with delivering my degree portfolio and putting on two shows. Top that with trying to get my body back into a fit enough state to work and I’ve found that 3 and a half months have flown […]
Graduate gradually slips back into the mainstream
Barely a month has elapsed since we opened in Free Range yet the degree results are out and whether we like them or not, it is all water under the bridge. There is no going back and this weekend signifies a major step into my rehabilitation into mainstream society. Looking back on 2 years 10 […]