I took a day off yesterday and went up to town to take in a few photography exhibitions. I’ve been in town a lot of late but working between 0830-1730 means that there is no opportunity to take in the offerings, so it was back in on a cheap ticket and what a bargain that […]
That was a week that was
I don’t know if it is me getting older or the sands of time have speeded up but I just don’t know where the time goes these days. This time last week Mrs O and I were in Leeds, a wetter than wet Leeds even though in the past I have seen the Aire so […]
Busy times
My, how times fly. It only seems like yesterday that Edgelands opened but 6 weeks have elapsed and all the events in between seem somewhat unreal. Last week saw me back to my old trade working in London. I was so grateful for the dodgy weather as it made teaching that much easier. I wondered […]