
Life without hope is hopeless as they say. If anything, aspects of the last 10 months have been hopeless but that in the main is the hoplessness of our inept government who no doubt live in the hope that COVID-19 might just go away if only they can procrastinate long enough. For the rest of […]

Of Lockdown and parallels

It has been a while but time it seems has stood still since late March when Lockdown was imposed upon us. It has to be said that the tsunami warning system that propelled itself from the Far East seemed to have blown out by the time our lacklustre Government pulled their collective finger out and […]


I’m nursing cracked ribs at the moment which has curtailed my extraordinary work on building our extension. It is eye-opening to go from peak physical fitness to ambling and shuffling based on a momentary loss of concentration. Of all the things I have done during this build which has included digging and barrowing out 72 […]

I’m slowly coming back to the mainstream

I’ve been otherwise engaged for over 13 months now with little or no time for anything photographic or blogospheric but I’m keen to get back into what was my ‘norm’. A period of absence is not a bad thing for any practitioner, whatever their field but this period has been obfuscated by the shenanigans of […]

Places revisited

So, a day off from building work today as the motley crew of East Anglian Contemporary photographers stuffed the latest edition of the RPS Contemporary Journal into envelopes for mailing. With the extremely cold snap, I dragged a camera bag out just in case something of merit awaited me and sure enough, the scary wood […]

68 tons and counting

What’s in a hole? It seems like a stuck needle but I have been very busy of late, in fact over busy since 1st August when building work started on this plot of ours. I have not had time to make any serious images with a traditional camera with being focussed on getting the ‘shed’ […]

Allotment success beats the building blues

There is nothing more forlorn than a building site put on hold where the builder has been laid off owing to third party intransigence and general dilatoriness. Much of my waking hours have been spent of late hand digging and barrowing 52 tons of earth, sand and rubble into skips. Progress has only stopped because […]

I’ve been very quiet of late

After a frenetic Spring kicking off with The Rooftop exhibition quickly followed by MEUS as a pathfinder fringe show for PhotoEast and again followed by a second showing of MEUS in July I thought I’d have a rest. No such thing. I’m busy on other things and the weather was just far too hot and […]

Shit happens, then there are green shoots

I have been away from this forum for some weeks now doing many other things including hanging our MEUS show in Ipswich Town Hall during May as an official fringe event for PhotoEast 2018, erecting  and painting a shed on the allotment, taking on another 10 rod allotment that was so overgrown Tigers could have […]

Wising up to things

OK, I’ve been quiet of late on account of having been very busy exhibiting in London and now in Ipswich. I have curated and organised most shows and exhibitions I have taken part in and my background dictates that things need to be planned to the nth degree and being prepared for just about anything […]
