Manic weeks and magic drum scanning

    The past week has been manic. I took 8 5×4 Portra 400 negatives into Metro Imaging a week ago Tuesday for drum scanning having failed to get the right colour reproduction on inkjet media at UCS. Whether this failure was due to me or the multiple layers of technology that these superb quality […]


I have just joined a local artist collective called DIG! I have been lucky enough to curate and sell some of the original DIG! members work through two highly successful UCS/Prettys art exhibitions and now I am in the thick of it with them. Big thanks to Ian Moss and Eleanor May for putting the […]

Exhibition fest and new collaborations

The last few weeks have been hectic with UCS having the Arts Faculty Degree Show quickly followed by the transfer to Free Range of the BA (Hons) Photography work. We also had or second ‘equals’ show open on the 13th June at Slack Space in Colchester with Free Range opening the following night. Add to […]
