68 tons and counting

What’s in a hole? It seems like a stuck needle but I have been very busy of late, in fact over busy since 1st August when building work started on this plot of ours. I have not had time to make any serious images with a traditional camera with being focussed on getting the ‘shed’ […]

Times past

Following on from the news I got the other day, I dug out my old negative archive. I have a new archive, also of negatives and mainly colour, but revisiting 35mm Black & White I have noticed how frugal I was in making images when we were saving for a deposit to buy a house. […]

And yet another mooring is slipped…..

2015 has been some year. It has had its highs and lows its alphas and omegas. Last night I got news that my first cutter commander, Ron Bayly MBE had slipped his moorings on Boxing Day. He was 92 and an absolute gentleman. I sailed with quite a few other commanders after that inauguaral trial […]

Changing seasons and Ways with Words

First let me warn all my readers that the exhibition space Abbot’s Hall where Edgelands is showing is now on low season opening times. That is Tuesday-Saturday. Note NOT SUNDAY. We spent a few days in Southwold for the Ways with Words event and boy, was it wet and windy affair or what. That is […]
