Places revisited

So, a day off from building work today as the motley crew of East Anglian Contemporary photographers stuffed the latest edition of the RPS Contemporary Journal into envelopes for mailing. With the extremely cold snap, I dragged a camera bag out just in case something of merit awaited me and sure enough, the scary wood […]

More test results

This post is aimed at people interested in the resolving power of a prime lens coupled with a high pixel count sensor. Nikon D810 Nikkor 50mm AFD 1.4 Ipswich Borough Council have recently agreed to buy the Sproughton Sugar Beet site. For years, these silos have been a symbol of agricultural cum manufacturing business particular […]

Mixed feelings

Yesterday was a strange day. It is two years ago tomorrow that I maneuvered mother-in-law into the care home but it was on the Friday, a very wet Friday that the move took place in the dark that can only come from a December evening. These thoughts ran through my mind as I scuttled down […]
