Mixed feelings

Yesterday was a strange day. It is two years ago tomorrow that I maneuvered mother-in-law into the care home but it was on the Friday, a very wet Friday that the move took place in the dark that can only come from a December evening. These thoughts ran through my mind as I scuttled down the A140 from Norwich. I suppose trundled is a more apt word, one cannot really scuttle down that road anymore. I had decided to take ‘The Cheek’s’ CD with me and try it out as they suggested in the car. Good driving music. This at least kept my mind from wandering.

I came back to a maelstrom of activity following my previous blog and I suppose this sunk my spirits a bit but I am grateful for those readers who re-read it and made positive comments about the overall positivity of it.

It took a long time to get into gear and to get my mindset on the right wavelength to undertake some test shooting with a new sensor today but I did and that was after a rejuvenating visit to The Freudian Sheep where as chance would have it, two visitors popped in as a result of the leafleting that took place in my vicinity. BorinĀ  had already leafleted this particular house and I happened to do it again accidentally a few days later and it was this activity that brought these two neighbours that I had not seen for 4 years into the Gallery. In fact I had only met them once before and that was at a Christmas party on the day they moved in to the street. I love it when things like this happen.

Anyway, I needed to waste some time until the sun dropped. Thanks for the coffee and chat Ian and Eleanor.

These are a selection of my tests today.

Fading chrysanthemums
Fading chrysanthemums

When I made this test shot indoors the result on the camera back made me think of Eleanor May’s crochet. I know it is nothing like crochet but there is something about shooting a fast prime wide open that gives a lovely soft feeling almost like cashmere.

Detail from Norvad - setting sun
Detail from Norvad – setting sun
Laid up for the winter
Sacrificial anodes
Trinity House vessel Alert
Trinity House vessel Alert
Aurora Restaurant
Aurora Restaurant


These are heavily cropped portions of images other than the flowers. I am astounded by the quality and detail at 100% crops of the originals. All the images apart from the flowers are part of my record making for the RPS Contemporary Group Wet Dock Project.

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