OK, I’ve been quiet of late on account of having been very busy exhibiting in London and now in Ipswich. I have curated and organised most shows and exhibitions I have taken part in and my background dictates that things need to be planned to the nth degree and being prepared for just about anything […]
MEUS a fringe event
We are very lucky here in the East of England in that we have a biennial photo festival that is in its infancy. It began in 2016 and our local group of contemporary photographers ran a show to coincide it. That was our Contradictions show based on the docklands of the River Orwell. This year […]
Photoeast draws to a close
June has been manic in terms of photography exhibitions. The late May Bank Holiday Weekend saw the launch of Photoeast and the exhibition I was involved in – CONTRADICTIONS, plus the degree shows of Anywhere & Everywhere from UCS, at UCS and in Hoxton. The three of us involved in CONTRADICTIONS were rostered to attend […]
PhotoEast and Contradictions
PhotoEast opened today. It is primarily based on and in the environs of the Wet Dock in Ipswich – signature setting for the long term CONTRADICTIONS documentary based on the ever changing aspects of the docklands of the Orwell. Bill Jackson is running sessions at The Cut in Halesworth. If you have dog, get down […]
Southwold distractions and Photoeast
Last week Mrs O and I spent another week in Southwold. We like to go when the grockles are not there and even though we are visitors, I don’t class ourselves as grockles as we live in the county and this is just another of our many resorts. I had hoped to photograph the cliffs […]