I hung a new show today in Ipswich Town Hall. I and some fellow students from UCS ran the gauntlet of threatened tickets from over officious police to get work into Ipswich Town Hall for the last of our promotional activities before our degree shows. It never ceases to amaze me how difficult it is to gain vehicular entry to the Town Hall yet our Council desires our use of it. It is an entirely different kettle of fish when bands such as Mike and the Mechanics roll into town with pantechnicons parked up alongside the building, but a poll tax paying resident. God forbid! I almost feel a letter coming on to the local rag and MP.
Despite this aggravation, the work is on the walls. I always know that no matter how difficult is is transporting the work to a venue, it is without doubt ten sizes smaller by the time it gets nailed to the wall. My 110cm by 135cm print takes two people to manhandle but looks no bigger than one of those huge stamps one gets when paying for parcels to be shipped at the Post office.
Spectaulo is Latin for exhibition in case anyone thought it was a spelling mistake which was the cause of my Herpes Simplex eruption some 10 or more days ago. Only now do small children not cross the road to avoid me like the plague. Speaking of spelling mistakes, out of the blue, my sister sent a birthday card titled “Spelling – it really matters’ and she had no idea of the fracas that erupted like Vesuvius over spelling mistakes and squashed Magnum photographer’s images two weeks ago. Spooky.
I now have to knuckle down and re-start my own stalled degree project work. 4 tonnes of boards have been painted and shifted that many times this last week, I hardly remembered it was photography I was studying but I suppose it counts towards the ‘art’ in BA.