Light bulb moment

Tables chairs on the waterfront, reflections
UOS Waterfront

It dawned on me today as I tramped around the Wet Dock making reference images in advance of a weekend of waterfront festivities that yet another subtle change had taken place during a week that had seen me working at a different university. Of course I knew it was coming, but it was not the signage that drew me to it but the light bulbs! We see what we see and whilst I was at UCS I never really associated it with just being a Campus of both UEA and Essex, it was always a university.

Light bulbs going on – that just about sums it up really. In 2011 I had not really associated Ipswich with having a university until I idly Googled ‘Photography, degree courses, Ipswich’ and then found myself on a roller coaster three year full time degree course. How times change.

In 2011 I could have photographed from this morning’s viewpoint but how different would that image have been? ‘Of’ has replaced ‘Campus’, the light bulbs, and of course the reflections of Stoke Quay would not be as they are today. I think the furniture is the same though.

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