Last Sunday, I spent the whole day on the roof of the UOS James Hehir Building with two other photographers making a record of changes to the Ipswich Wet Dock scene a year on from our last excursion up there.
Mrs.O had said she would walk down at some point to see what was occurring and sure enough she called me when she was at the Question Mark so I was primed to make her image in DiCorcia fashion, the only thing being different was she knew I was going to try and take her picture. Pictures were made and off she went to explore what was on offer.
I happened to venture to the South aspect of the roof a short time later and by chance Mrs O was fighting her way through the increasing numbers of punters so I did a proper DiCorcia and grabbed a shot unbeknownst to her – a sliding door moment.
At the time, as I am not a ‘chimper’, I paid no attention to what had been captured, confident as I was of having the right parameters dialled into the camera. It was in the post-production stage that a delightfully serendipitous scene unfolded. There, nosing around the feet of punters was a sausage dog adjacent to a German Sausage stall – more a Bresson decisive moment than a DiCorcia or maybe a blend of the two and happy accident?
Happy days.
No sausage dogs were harmed in making this image.