Mrs O and I took a mini-break to Southwold, that quintessentially English seaside resort, the week before last. Mrs O went for the ‘Ways with Words’ event and I opted to look at the backside of Southwold, the landward side seen only by people walking the dykes and exercising and evidentially emptying their dogs.
Now, we have kept dogs for 27 years of our 38 years together so I’ve nothing against dogs, just their seemingly arrogant owners who let them shit all over the common with gay abandon. There is nothing worse than trudging several miles with heavy camera gear to find one’s boots caked in foul smelling shite from cunningly concealed dog turds invisible due the autumnal colours of the common. I’m certainly glad my tripod legs missed these random dog shite mines littering the area. I obviously went to ‘Ways with Turds”.
So, to cut a long story short, I literally did explore the backside of Southwold. The Ebony went with me but I have yet to send the negatives off for development so here are a few selected digital images from the 5 days spent there. Not a beach hut to be seen…
I wondered if this was some sort of enclosure for fauna and flora but I think it is private fishing. There might be a Tiger lurking in there though.
Beyond the sewage works there is a dump and a graveyard for cars
We had a 10 rod allotment when we lived in Felixstowe but the scale of the gardens here is enormous. We never had tosser warning or indeed a shed to advertise such things.