Yesterday was our first full day in Gallery 3 inside Ipswich Town Hall. Most of the day was spent setting up lighting and completing the hang that we started on Monday afternoon following the tear down in Ipswich Art School Gallery. It was rather sad pulling our work off the walls but such a privilege to have been gifted the space and for 31/2 months. Thank you Emma Roodhouse.
It is so, so different in the Town Hall. It would have been better had we not been harangued by the Customer Services manager for daring to park outside the agreed entrance with access to the lift to take all our heavy and precious equipment and pictures up to the 4th floor. Why don’t IBC people talk to each other? We have had full cooperation and help from the lettings team but some ‘jobsworth’ in another separately controlled cost centre deems himself to be the custodian of the surrounding environs.
It is such a privilege to be the first Recreate Ipswich Artists-in-Residence yet I have not seen one word of public advertising by IBC, nothing at all in the Angle for September but then no one told anyone that temporary traffic lights outside the Rose & Crown would be the straw that broke the camel’s back traffic wise on Monday. Just how can it be possible these days for all the little silos and no doubt outsourced contracts fail to communicate with each other? Have no lessons been learned or is it just another gold medal in making Ipswich the European Capital of Unfinished Roadwork 2013.
Check out for more poetic descriptions of what we are doing and some work-in-progress images.