All in apple pie order

Life has been hectic lately. I had huge amounts of other work going on in the background to do with a major re-branding of an organisation I am a director of that coincided with an international Agile Business Conference. Thankfully that transition took place seamlessly owing to the professionalism of all parties involved in producing […]

Positives, negatives and Wrong Moves from a mad week

There is a saying in the photographic world that if you do not photograph something within 6 months of arriving in a place then that place will never be the same 6 months on. These days I think we need to wind that back to 7 – 10 days. Such are the turbulent times we […]

Festivals everyhere and more

Where did last week go? Monday saw me and two other reprobates  being photographed by renowned local photographer Chris Myhill. Chris had come to our rescue and made group and single portraits of us for our forthcoming exhibition – Contradictions Note the haircut. I had it freshly done for the shoot which was just as […]

The Jury’s out

I have not blogged much over the last two weeks as I have been on enforced jury service. I used to be exempt from sitting owing to previous employment but now anything goes. It was a real eye-opener on many levels. The first is the sheer amount of money and time wasted by poorly prepared […]

Halcyon days – good omens

I have been fighting to get fit in this post-university period. I was run down physically and mentally from the final few months at UCS and to start with I had to just sit back and take a rest. People who know me know that resting for me is doing something. I am no idler […]


Last night I was invited to a Cafe Scientifique presentation at Arlingtons bistro in Ipswich. This building was the original Ipswich Museum and is a fitting venue for these meetings. This time, it was one of my fellow artists Sarah Bale who had invited me. She had collaborated with an Orchid expert Martin Sanford at […]

And now it is all over – Degree show and Free Range 2014

The last 16 days have been a whirlwind of activities and events that have left me breathless. I always knew putting on two degree shows would be hard work by it was much harder than imagined, but also quite slick when all the parts moved together. Building and tearing down Ipswich showed some people in […]
