Positives, negatives and Wrong Moves from a mad week

There is a saying in the photographic world that if you do not photograph something within 6 months of arriving in a place then that place will never be the same 6 months on. These days I think we need to wind that back to 7 – 10 days.

Such are the turbulent times we live in it is becoming almost a norm to open a paper or listen to the wireless and read or hear about yet another atrocity. Reading and hearing about these events is quite different from the almost constant visual onslaught we are subjected to through visual media these days. It never ceases to amaze me how much drivel and nonsense spouts forth from television presenters when these atrocities occur. I’m not saying for one minute that the wireless announcers or the journalists who write for papers are necessarily right or believable but it does exercise different parts of the brain in analyzing what is unfolding.

Having got over the July 14th  atrocity, a number of issues in America (ignoring the Trump/Clinton debacle) I was geared up to attend Pop My Mind’s first anniversary bash on Friday night and I left home early to take in some fresh salty air along the Strand on the Orwell. I had the wireless on and the Munich news broke. There I was basking in the normality of a balmy summer evening watching the the birds and boats  and yet another mass shooting. It was totally surreal.

Anyway, enough of the negatives, I was off to a celebratory bash and even better, Kate Jackson and The Wrong Moves were due to play at the event. Hats off to Laurel and Oliver for getting such a catch.

The evening was a great success and I got there early and managed to grab some daylight shots of the band doing their sound test. There was no lighting rig as such so I have to apologise for using flash during the event (I did have it turned down to 1/16th power though).

Kate Jackson Black and White image
Kate in a quiet moment on stage
Kate Jackson with microphone
Kate Jackson belting it out on stage


Drummer with the Wrong Moves during daylight sound test


It was great catching up with Kate again before the gig and also all the other artists and supporters who turned up. I was bouncing like Tigger when I got in. Nothing like a live gig.

Yesterday was a good day despite the fact that it was  year to the day that Mrs O’s mother died. That too was a sunny day. In many ways despite the fact that she had regressed to the 1980’s by the time she went, she would not have liked the current state of world events. I even did a spot of weeding yesterday in case she was watching but we had a very good lunch down at the Grazing Sheep, then we went off to the Freudian Sheep then Applaud followed by Ipswich Art School Gallery for their latest exhibition.

A full on nice day  with masses of positive energy flowing about. A good way to end the week on.

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