Gummed up eyes does mean Spring is here

Grebe swimming in sunlight with backdrop of sedges
What an awful strap line but nevertheless very true. I could feel some changes coming on with my body all week and yesterday’s stroll and pause and stroll and pause along the Gipping at Barham manifested itself as reaction to tree pollen. The pussy willows were looking beautiful in the balmy spring air yesterday but they and Alder take their toll on me.

That said, I did get my eye in in more ways than one. I was wandering along this stretch of the river in pursuit of my beloved Kingfishers, none of which I saw but walking is not how it is done, walking is a means to an end.

Now, if Mrs O had been there, for starters she would have winced at slithering through mud but once through those sections she would have yomped on because she was on a walk. For me, it is different, I have to stop and stare and take it all in just as I do with my  Landscape work.

The longer I stand there the more I see. Simple as that really which is why I walk alone despite coming from Liverpool.

These are a few images of what I saw when I stopped frequently and stared yesterday afternoon.
Geese with willow
Grey Heron
Two geese standing one goose in the water

All of these birds were between 75 and 100m away from me, the heron at 100m.

I have just counted my geese and realised that both compositions consist of Fibonacci numbers. Well pleased with that and the fact that my eye saw them in that sequence.

Gummed up or not, my eye is back in!

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