I’m nursing cracked ribs at the moment which has curtailed my extraordinary work on building our extension. It is eye-opening to go from peak physical fitness to ambling and shuffling based on a momentary loss of concentration. Of all the things I have done during this build which has included digging and barrowing out 72 […]
2 for 1
I have been away with Mrs. O to a favourite location in Cornwall. We last stayed in Mylor Churchtown in 2014 just before I formally graduated. Such is the popularity of the place, we had to book this past week last September! Talk about weather! OK, nothing like the Caribbean, but we had everything bar […]
Worth the wait
I’ve been making images of Kingfishers since 2008. I cannot begin to reconcile how many hours I have spent idling along a river in a boat or stood motionless in a spot where I knew of their whereabouts often as not freezing to the core or braced against a stiff breeze. Not once in countless […]
Always something new to learn
I’ve been getting my eye back in with a very obliging male Kingfisher. By getting my eye in, I mean retuning my responses and also re-learning the technobabble associated with using digital SLR cameras and lenses. It is light years away from but so close to using skills and techniques with large format film. Here […]
Game on
The other day, I reported the fact that I’d sighted my first estuarine Kingfisher of the autumn as I was making work on large format film at Cattawade. Low tide today was about 13:30 so no film was about to be wasted as I don’t like shooting in such bright conditions and they were indeed […]
Favourable light
Most things look better in favourable light. In my last post I showed some images of an Otter bitch and her cubs. This chance encounter was late in the day with the sun at an angle that I always find pleasing to say the least. This image was made as the three young ones circled […]
Antics on the Ant and suffering from the wind
I have been away. I knew my batteries were run down prior to this return visit to Norfolk in pursuit of both a busman’s holiday and getting away from it all. Mrs O had been concerned with me burning the candle at both ends before we went up to these foreign parts and I had […]
Gummed up eyes does mean Spring is here
What an awful strap line but nevertheless very true. I could feel some changes coming on with my body all week and yesterday’s stroll and pause and stroll and pause along the Gipping at Barham manifested itself as reaction to tree pollen. The pussy willows were looking beautiful in the balmy spring air yesterday but […]
Of Labradors and Grebe
I went out this afternoon for a number of reasons; I needed a walk after too many hours testing website products on an agile project this week including this morning I needed to get my eye back in for wildlife especially as Spring is very much on its way I suppose it was seeing a […]
The female of the species is more reliable
My quest this week for Kingfisher images has not been as fruitful as in other years. I admit I might be two weeks earlier than last year but there is a definite drop in numbers and this was a mild if not warm winter. I don’t know if this is a common statistic across the […]