Following a request about my recent post, I have recreated Maggi Hambling in Black and White. I’d say the ‘Jury’s out’ The eyes still have it.
Latest Large format landscape & portraits out of the can
The technician at UCS had a busy Wednesday last week whilst I was attending the Agile Business Conference in London. I had queued up 22 5×4 negatives plus countless rolls of 220, 120 and 35mm films over the last month and it has taken a weekend interspersed with research work to process them. Some of […]
Maggi takes the air
I had the pleasure tonight of shooting Maggi Hambling as she took a break from the hullabaloo of the East Contemporary Art VIP night to get some fresh air. I rather like the way her accessories are complimented by the festoon lights around the marina.
Friday 13th September – ephemera
equals=ephemera’s penultimate day resulted in some interesting visitors and results. A day that started with having our dog Sam put down after living with us for 13 years had to have some positive results and a few are shown here. Let’s hope tomorrow will bring lots of people into our studios at Ipswich Town Hall.
After Radio
Well, Lesley Dolphin, BBC Radio Suffolk certainly did us a favour in Gallery 3 at Ipswich Town Hall. Visitors turned up today in what can only be described as singularly inclement conditions because they heard about us on the wireless. Here are a few pictures made today. The Scottish Widows lookalike was made by Keith […]
equals = BBC Radio Suffolk
Today, I had a delightful wireless interview with Lesley Dolphin fromBBC Radio Suffolk. All in all it has been a good start to week 2 of our residency at Ipswich Town Hall. We have had repeat footfall and interest in our work. Couple that with with a gaggle of last year’s new intake about to […]
Busy ephemera Saturday
Saturday, as expected, was the busiest day of our first week in Gallery 3 at Ipswich Town Hall. We started off with a continuation of large format photographic techniques and created a new Rembrandt lighting arrangement in the low key studio using barn doors and snoots with honeycomb grids to control the lighting. The lighting […]
Photography and Eccles cakes
In the run up to the inaugural Recreate Ipswich event that Ipswich Borough Council has not deemed fit to advertise, I and my ‘equals’ colleagues were busy trying to reach out to potential visitors and contributors to our event. One of the ideas I had was to engage with market traders and possibly photograph them […]
July 15th – strange day
Yesterday I travelled up to London to deliver my Taylor Wessing 2013 National Portrait Prize entries alongside Keith Locke ( , a consummate professional when it comes to photography. We had eagerly awaited the delivery of our entries for weeks now. However, the day dawned with the release of results from the university and all was […]