Photography and Eccles cakes

In the run up to the inaugural Recreate Ipswich event that Ipswich Borough Council has not deemed fit to advertise, I and my ‘equals’ colleagues were busy trying to reach out to potential visitors and contributors to our event. One of the ideas I had was to engage with market traders and possibly photograph them with a sample of their produce in one of our studios.

On a Thursday the Pump Street Bakery arrives in a delightfully quirky Citroen van and for a while now it is one of my messages ( as we called them up North) to collect a Vermont and baguette plus indubitably the best provender one ever thought possible – an ECCLES CAKE. No ordinary eccles cake though. This and the bread has to be the best available this side of Rangoon. I am beginning to hallucinate just at the thought of biting into that incredibly light but perfectly baked crust to savour the unctuous and sinfully plump contents. Snap out of it Owens…..

As I handed over my dosh – a fair exchange – I asked the purveyor of these fine foods if he would be interested in taking part. An instant ‘Yes, are you a photographer, so am I’ and a postcard was delivered with the bread and cake. So not only does Roger provide provender for our stomachs, he also provides incredibly detailed landscape and other images for our eyes to feast on. Check out his site at  The Pump House bakery can be seen at .

Anyway, Roger true to his word honourably rolled up at the end of exhausting day in his van and let me take his picture.

Purveyor of the finest Eccles Cakes this side of Rangoon
Purveyor of the finest Eccles Cakes this side of Rangoon

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