Saturday, as expected, was the busiest day of our first week in Gallery 3 at Ipswich Town Hall. We started off with a continuation of large format photographic techniques and created a new Rembrandt lighting arrangement in the low key studio using barn doors and snoots with honeycomb grids to control the lighting. The lighting masterclass was given by Keith Locke. Emma, Mel and Lauren then took turns in focussing the Toyo 45C and also posed for portraits taken on Polaroid type film.
A huge thanks to the Tourist Information and Ipswich Art School Gallery for sending and redirecting visitors to us. Front of house staff from Colchester & Ipswich Museums also did a sterling job by sending people up the stairs to see our work.
Keith and I had talked the talk and leafletted the market traders earlier in the morning and one trader popped in at 1600 when I grabbed a quick portrait. Time is money for these people and perversley time is money for photographers. The split second exposure has taken many hours of graft to earn a crust to buy the equipment and hours of rehearsal to ensure that the moment is captured as quickly as possible. Technology failed us several time though on Saturday and that necessitated a trip to Norwich on Sunday to buy replacement wireless triggers. They have been tested at home and work fine but the acid test will be tomorrow morning with the studio lights.
The afternoon was very busy indeed so we are hoping for even more footfall this week with a crescendo on Saturday.
Some of the willing paying sitters that I took are shown here . Others will be on the group blog at